Have you ever wondered why there are so many bad things in the world? Why does aids exist? Cancer? Murder? And being a "good Christian" of course God didn't make them happen, but if God didn't, why does He let them happen?
I wonder this.
This week we had these questions and challenges about the Character of God and today we watched a documentary on a missionary, Mama Heidi. She lives in Mozambique with her husband and kids and felt that God called her to bring the native children "home," to take them in and care for each of them. She has 500 children.
So back to the first couple questions, why does God "let" bad things happen.
To answer simply, He doesn't. There is sin in this world. When Adam and Eve partook in sin they allowed room for satan to do work, they allowed room for brokenness, injustice, pain, and hurt. Then Jesus came-He took on all of this sin and pain and made a way for freedom. Now the question becomes not why does God let these things happen but why don't you do something about them?
What if He created you to bring justice in this world?
What if He created you to cure a disease?
What if He created you to make a home for orphans who are starving, abused, and have nothing?
What if He has called ALL of us to look at the person in front of us and say "I love you because He loves me?" What if He is asking us to lay down comforts, selfishness, and pride so that He has room to take hold of our hearts to break them for His lost children?
Our lives were not meant to be "convenient" it wasn't convenient for Him to die on the cross. It wasn't convenient for Him to live with the poor and sick. It wasn't convenient for Him to make Himself human to show us an example of how to live. It was inconvenient, yet He did it, perfectly. He did it with compassion, with a broken heart for His people who were and are still looking for an answer, looking for help. Can you see that there is more to life than what we are taking a hold of? He's offering life and we are taking hold of a life that's full of insatisfaction.
What are you breaking for? Are you breaking for anyone or anything? There's a world out there that needs us. That needs your gifts, your talents, and most importantly NEEDS Jesus. If your heart isn't breaking cry out to Him and say "Father break my heart for what breaks Yours, I want more!"
I just did. I need more of His heart, I want my heart to be so broken for people, to crave justice and love for people that everything else in comparison looks like trash. I want Him to love so much through me that it flows out in every single conversation I have.
I want compassion. Do you?
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