Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hearing God's Voice and Father Heart of God

Sorry it's been a while since I have had the chance to update everyone!

Life in Newcastle is awesome, I'm absolutely loving it! Spending time in this community of students, leaders, and staff while learning more and more about The Lord is such a blessing. I just want to say thank you again to all of you who have supported me both financially and prayerfully, I wish I could express how thankful I truly am!

To give you a little run down of what has happened so far:

Tuesday Oct. 8- Sunday Oct.13 was orientation as well as lectures with the topic of Hearing God's Voice. We had an incredible speaker come to teach us on how to Hear our Father. I'd love to share with y'all a few things I learned about His voice and other random bits of challenges from this week.

  • Step into obedience the rest will follow.
  • If God speaks to you and you don't share what He asks you to share with others you're robbing them of joy, celebration, and confirmations He gives.
  • Your testimony is about the one who brought you out of the mess not about the mess.
  • We tend to think the space God speaks in is narrow, it's wide.
  • He uses all of our human senses to speak to us, make them all available.
  • Being burned out an stressed isn't he place of the Father.

Hope that was as encouraging and challenging for you as it was for me!

Tuesday Oct. 15- Friday Oct. 18 the topic was on Father Heart of God, His heart for His sons and daughters and for us individually. Some of you may feel like Spiritual Orphans, believers that don't always feel as though His heart is always for you. The core issue of that is identity, which satan uses as a form of spiritual warfare. The Father tells us who we are, nothing else does. Allow that to sink in, pretty tough but it's truth. And the thing that really took a nail at me was "Trauma you've experienced is not your choice, desolation of spirit is." This means that the mess of things you've been put through may not be your fault, it could be your family's, friends, or anything but the desolation of spirit is, the way you react is your choice. You can chose to let it mess with you, to change the corse of your life for the worse or you can chose life, you can chose that your identity is not found in those things but instead found in Christ and who He says you are. His heart is for each of us, each of you, allow yourself to receive Him, what He says about you, and what His heart looks like for you and all His children. The last thing I really took away from this week was "He doesn't want us to go back to being a child, He wants us to become a child." Most of us have heard of child like faith, to have humility and faith like a child. Sometimes we think this means we need to go back to our child like ways, false. He wants us to become so reliant on Him as our Father that we come into a place of constant communion and conversation with Him, as a child does with their parents.

Lots of things that I'm still processing myself but I want you all to be apart of this journey with me. Please pray about everything I posted. I encourage you to seek out time to spend time with Jesus this week. Listen to Him, allow yourself to be in a position of hearing His Voice and receiving what He says about you. If you don't believe me ask Him to show you, He will.

Until next time, Love you all heaps (aussie lingo)

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